“Explorer against extinction” is a British NGO that is acting for the conservation of wildlife animals. Each year they launch an international campaign to raise funds for their programs through an Art auction and exhibition called “Sketch For Survivor“. In September I was selected as one of the finalists of this edition with my submitted painting “A Safe Shelter Under The Branches”.
This painting was exhibited in “Dundas Street gallery” Edinburgh as well as in galleryย Oxoย in London South Bank during the 2 exhibitions between October 26th and November 12th.
My painting highlights the endangered species “Great hammerhead shark” and endangered wild space of the “coral reefs“.
I created this aquatic bonsai tree made of many corals to envision the importance of these habitats for the underwater life forms that offer shelter and food for many species ( to the small crab to top of the food chain predators).
If you want to learn more about Explorers Against Extinction and their conservation programs you can visit their website.