Here is my graphic tribute and illustration to the movie “Into The Wild” directed by Sean Penn and starring Emile Hirsh as Christopher McCandless.
IIt’s been awhile that i wanted to create this poster and illustration about this specific movie. The book and the movie were both great success and very inspiring to me. This is containing strong lessons on survival, and vision of the modern society, how to escape and live outside it and the dangers of isolating ourselves to live outside our modern societies.
Iw anted for this poster to present various aspects of the movie i enjoyed a lot. First the beauty of
First the beauty of the nature, pure, very rude ( furthermore in Alaska state, but beautiful and wild, that can evoke in everyone of us a deep sense of freedom. I also wanted to show the dream dimension that has the main character through the movie. It has a deep image of what he’s excepting to live alone in the wild landscapes. A sense of peace and relief and also the loneliness aspect of it’s adventure. This illustration was created digitally using a wacom tablet + adobe photoshop.Β I didn’t use any photographs nor textures photographs in this Artwork, only reference photos to draw and paint the portrait.
Just below, a few details about the illustration and poster.